Spain leads the group of countries with the best connectivity in 2022

España es el tercer pais con mejor conectividad en Europa 2022

The Government of Spain has proposed that by 2025 there is access to quality broadband throughout the territory and it seems that it will achieve it sooner than expected. Thanks to the efforts of the State and private companies, it has become one of the countries with the best connectivity in the European Union and this year it ratifies it again.

Once again, Spain is again in the top 3 of countries with the best connectivity according to the 2022 Digital Economy and Society Index and is ranked first in the percentage of households with the highest access to 100 Mbps broadband.

Spain is the third country with the best connectivity in Europe, according to DESI 2022

espana ocupa el tercer puesto del indice de la Economia y la Sociedad Digitales

Every year a new edition of the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) is published and in 2022 Spain leads it again. This is a report that calculates the quality and competitiveness of the broadband connection in European countries. To measure it, the use of the Internet, connectivity, the digitization of companies, human capital and digital public services are taken into account.

Well, as you can see in the graph above, Spain ranks third in the countries with the best connectivity, only behind Denmark and the Netherlands . It is important to mention that to calculate it, both fixed and mobile broadband, the coverage of this connection and its price are considered.

First place in high-speed fixed broadband in homes

espana primer lugar en banda ancha fija y de alta velocidad

Now, when it comes to the coverage of homes with high-speed Internet access , there is no country that surpasses Spain. According to the report, up to 96% of Spanish homes have Internet access and, in addition, more than 70% enjoy a connection speed of more than 100 Mbps , an indicator in which, as the image above shows, Spain leads in the European Union.

All these data have been provided by the European Commission , those responsible for publishing the DESI each year and who also continue to implement various programs to improve mobile telephony in the territory, such as the extension of free roaming for 10 more years and the plan to force all manufacturers to use USB-C chargers, including Apple.

And you… Do you think that connectivity in Spain is as good as the statistics reflect?