How Long Can You Expect a OnePlus Phone to Last? User Opinions Revealed

OnePlus has been selling its smartphones for many years and has gradually become one of the most interesting options when we are looking for a cheap and powerful terminal. Although one of the factors to take into account is the duration of the mobile phones, something that many people think about.

User Opinions on OnePlus Phone Durability

Browsing the internet, we can find countless opinions about how long OnePlus phones last, and they are not always positive. For some reason, there are many users who have had to change their terminal sooner than we would like after purchasing a phone from the firm. At least as far as we know, there are no big differences in their developments and materials with other technology brands, but for some reason it is an issue that greatly worries those who buy them.

Personal Experience and User Insights

Personally, we have also used a OnePlus phone for several years and we must clarify that in our case we have not always had bad experiences with phones. The passage of time has caused some other inconvenience, but none that forces us to replace it.

To know more details and be able to clarify much better how long OnePlus phones can last, we have done an opinion analysis. The result is quite illuminating and leaves us with the result that yes, the Chinese brand terminals are not perfect, but nevertheless they have a good chance of lasting us several years.

Common Durability Issues

The main problem that many users encounter is that a bad fall can destroy the phone in a short time or that it is very easy for the battery to lose its capabilities sooner than what happens with other manufacturers. This means that the materials will not always be the best and therefore they are not the most resistant, which forces us to buy a case and perhaps also a screen protector along with our OnePlus. We also have to consider the need to change the battery after a year or two, although fortunately OnePlus batteries are among the cheapest available in official technical services.

Updates and Longevity

But not everyone speaks badly of the Chinese brand. There are also those who say that a OnePlus mobile can last ten years as new, seven or three years, this last figure being the most repeated. It is evident that the phone must be taken care of, both inside and out if we want to achieve these results and above all, take into account those extra expenses to replace what will not work like the first day.

One of the biggest handicaps of the OnePlus models is found in their updates, because unlike Samsung or other brands it does not have a wide range of development, that is, after two or three years we can be left without any new updates. Only the OnePlus 11, the latest flagship presented a few months ago, has 5 years of security updates. But it would have to be extended to more models, it is advisable to always have a mobile phone updated with the most recent security patches.

The Impact of Updates on Durability

Although the handicap does not only lie in the support, since the majority of failures and what causes a lot of anger for those who have bought a OnePlus is found in the failures of the updates. OnePlus does not manage to ensure that all its new features arrive fine and polished to the phones, forcing all criticisms to be corrected after the fact.

This can be the trigger for us changing phones sooner than desired. If OnePlus wants its phones to last for many years and for people to trust them more, it would have to think about increasing the number of updates, their frequency and correcting those errors that cause a bad review.


In short, these are the conclusions we draw about whether OnePlus phones can last several years:

  • It will be necessary to change the battery sooner or later.
  • Shocks do not suit OnePlus smartphones, it is better to use cases.
  • Only the latest OnePlus flagship can reach 5 years of updates.
  • Errors in updates are common, sometimes critical failures.

Therefore, when we find a OnePlus mobile, at the end of the day we can feel it over time due to its updates; We will have to see how OnePlus handles this issue in the future. And really, we are talking about the fact that there are more and more updates that mobile phones support, as happens, for example, in Apple or Google mobile phones.